Name: Jan korta
City/State: - Hamburg Germany
residents of Hamburg, Toronto Kitchener-Waterloo New York
Birthdate: Age: 27 Years Old
Eye/Hair Color: Brown/Black
HeightWeight: 5'11/160 lbs
passed away
October 4, 1998
Rest in Peace
This site is dedicated to Jan Korta who left us from this world on October 4 1998, a dear close friend and a good friends to
alot of people.
He was a resident of both Toronto, kitchener waterloo (Canada) and Hamburg (Germany) and New York City.
Questo luogo è dedicato a Jan Korta. Ha morto il 4 ottobre 1998. È un amico il migliore a tutti. Ha vissuto a Toronto, kitchener waterloo (Canada) e Hamburg (Germania) e New York City (USA)
For you Jan,
this site is dedicated to you...
questo luogo è dedicato a voi...
He was also a world traveler, he had been to alot of places like Paris, London, different parts of Italy, Brussels, Amsterdam &
of course Germany.
He traveled to alot of places in the U.S. & Canada,
Era stato a molte città & al paese: Parigi, Londra, l'Italia, Bruxelles, Amsterdam, il Canada & gli Stati Uniti d'America.
and for those people that he met & know him,
he will be truly missed, his smile, his friendliness &
a special bond for those people that got to know how special person he was ...
the way he touched your heart,
& warmed your soul...
You will be Truly missed. . .
In questo mondo, abbiamo bisogno del vostro sorriso, del vostro cuore & dell'amore. Se li ricorderemo